Well, I’m sure some of you are curious about who our legendary bard is going to be at Gencon this year. Perhaps a bit intrigued? Well, it took me a while to find him and get him to book the trip, but we’ve got Norm the Gnome! He has great credentials, including graduating from the College of Song in the northern city of Requiem, telling tales for the King Balingaugh of Valin and his court, and performing at Nightshade’s Comfort, a very well known high end venue in the capital city of the Illurian Empire.
Norm has graciously agreed to be present at Silver Crescent Publishing’s booth at Gencon for the entire weekend! Well, portions of each day anyway. He will have scheduled times that he will be performing, telling tales he has acquired throughout his travels and studies in the world of Relistan. While I haven’t yet heard the tales he will be telling, rest assured he will at the very least entertain us all!
I look forward to seeing you all in a few months. Stop in and say hi to Norm and enjoy a tale or two.
Until then, good gaming to you all.