Alright, Gen Con has been over for a few days, so I figure now is a good time to give an update on what’s been going on at Silver Crescent Publishing. We have posted the PDF version of the Realms of Twilight Campaign Setting, both in our marketplace and on A few sales have gone out already, so it seems posting the PDF was a good decision.
We’re still looking for input on what supplement book our fans would like to see. Currently we are working on the first of the Master of Shadows fantasy novel series and investigating the possibility of an adventure arc set in the Realms of Twilight.
We are hoping to have the novel out in time for the winter holidays, and an adventure early next year. Unfortunately we don’t yet have the staffing to pump out adventures as fast as companies like Paizo and still maintain the level of quality we require.
Well, thanks for listening in and as always, good gaming to all.